
Four day pastel workshop in France

Four day pastel workshop in France

Capturing light in pastels. A four day pastel workshop in France with the prize winning artist and experienced teacher Penelope...

Bucks Art Weeks 2019

Bucks Art Weeks 2019

Next month I am delighted to be participating in Bucks Art Weeks open studios, along side Brian Stainton and Dr...

Pastel Painting course, 9th and 10th of March 2019.

Pastel Painting course, 9th and 10th of March 2019.

For Intermediates and beginners in Pastel 10 o’clock on Saturday morning to 5 o’clock, 9.30 on Sunday to 4.30. We...

First Prize. International Pastel Exhibition at Giverny.

I am delighted to have won the first prize in this prestigious exhibition with my two pastels. This week long...

Exposition, Galerie de L’echarpe,Toulouse

Exposition, Toulouse, à La galerie de l’Écharpe From the 28th of September to the 4th of October 2015 Le Vernissage...