Teaching Blog

International festival of Pastel.

International festival of Pastel.

‘Sleep’ one of the pastels I will be showing this year at the International festival of Pastels in Feytiat 87220....

Bucks Art Weeks 2019

Bucks Art Weeks 2019

Next month I am delighted to be participating in Bucks Art Weeks open studios, along side Brian Stainton and Dr...

Weekend pastel courses in the Midi Pyrenees

Landscape in Pastel; 29th and 30th of June. Come and join us for two weekend pastel courses this summer. Plein-air...

Pastel Society London

My portrait ‘Harriet’ is one of several images of older women in this year’s show. As such I was asked...

Pastel Society annual exhibition 2018

Pastel Society annual exhibition 2018 Winner of the 2018 Annie Longley Award. I am delighted to be participating in this...

Studying Turner in pastel and watercolour

Studying Turner in pastel and watercolour. For this week’s pastel classes, I chose to use Turner’s paintings as inspiration for...

courses 2017

Up coming courses for 2017 in oil painting and pastel: details can be seen on my page, courses calendar

Pastel art course in Catus, scenes of everyday life

Pastel art course in Catus, scenes of everyday life

Pastel art course in Catus, scenes of everyday life. March 2017 The theme of this course: ‘scenes of everyday life’...

End of winter, pastel colours

Oil painting course

Oil painting course on the 4th and 5th of February 2017. This was our first two day daily painting course...