Oil painting class; daily painting

Oil painting class. daily painting

For our next oil project on the 27th of january I would like to suggest that we work on 2 small scale pictures: format 20x20cm.

Recently I have been painting on hardboard which I paint with white prima (Two coats, sanded once dried which helps to give a nice surface for the oil paint.)

Since starting my daily painting project: https://www.dailypainting.penelopemilner.net I’ve been finding ways to complete an oil in two or three hours. I love the way this forces us to concentrate on the essentials without too much fussing. It also has the enormous advantage of allowing me to complete a work before the light totally changes.

Inspired by Carole Marine’s book: https://carolmarine.blogspot.fr/ ‘Daily Painting’ I have tried putting on a thin coating of oil colour onto the surface before starting the painting and found that this works beautifully, as long as you brushes are soft.

I have been using brushes which I bought in the Cahors art shop made by Dalbe:

no. 20 830P and no. 14 130P. These have suited me very well. The point is that they are flexible and have a good square top.

For a medium I use Poppy oil, but refined linseed oil works fine.

I have mostly been working on still lives which I can set up in the studio, but this picture was done from a photo I took last summer. Here is a step be step account of the painting process, completed in 3 hours.


daily painting. penelope Milner

An anxious wait. oil on canvas. 30×30


Please come on the 27th with two small white boards or canvases.

We will work in the studio on small still lives. Please look at Carole Marine’s blog (as well as mine!?) for inspiration. It would be great if you bought along some of your own ideas and objects. I think we could be searching for views of every day things which we don’t often think to paint.

Other artists to look at: https://www.duanekeiser.com/#!apaintingaday/ck0q




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